Sustainable leadership for sustainability leaders.


Why emotions are like little kids

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Emotions are like little kids.

They tug on our pants leg. They call to us.

Come back later, we say, I’m busy.

They tug again, harder. They call to us again, louder.

Come back later! I’m busy!

They tug again, even harder. They call to us again, even louder.

Finally we kneel down.

We look them in the face.

Hi, sweetheart. You wanted my attention. I’m sorry I didn’t give it to you. I’m here now.

They say whatever they wanted to say. They feel heard.

They move along, satisfied.

We feel good, even when what they told us was hard to hear. Because we paid attention.

Today, try looking your emotions in the face. Once they feel heard, they will move along.

When they have something else to tell us, they’ll come back.

Chris Gaither